
These beautiful children are from the special needs school in Cozumel. Living from the Heart donated 3 dolphin therapy sessions to 5 of these children, thanks to the generosity of Kate and Bill Dussault, Larry and Jeannine Perrier, and Macy Jozsef. The joy on the faces of these children and their families is priceless. 

The effect felt by the volunteers that joined us for this dolphin therapy program were no less powerful. 

In their own words, speaking of a young girl with autism that is blind and deaf: "I was scared to death to take her into my arms, in the water to experience the dolphin sonar therapy. However, the fear immediately disappeared when she quickly felt my arms and body were wrapped around her keeping her safe. She immediately connected with the dolphin and you could tell she felt safe. A huge smile came over her, then she burst out laughing, this laugh was so loud and so pure- it was joy, it was passion, it was love, and it was freedom. 

​Cozumel children participate in 5 day dolphin therapy - February 2016
                  Living From The Heart, The Dolphin Experience, (720) 473-9157 ,macy@lfhdolphinexperience.org

"Joy is the simplest form of gratitude."
                                                               ~ Karl Barth~
Little Franco travels from Poland to Cozumel for dolphin therapy - April 2016
3-1/2 year old Franco traveled 14 hours on a plane from Poland to meet our dolphin friends in Cozumel for the first time in April 2014. Of course, he was with his Mom and Dad, Agnieska and Andrew –truly some of the most devoted parents we've ever met.

At that time, Franco had a language of his own –that no one understood. It wasn’t Polish or English. His parents were very concerned that he hadn’t spoken words, and that was the main reason that they brought him to us for dolphin therapy. 

He did 10 sessions in 2014 and after his 8th dolphin therapy session, said "mama and papa". After that, his speech steadily improved. Franco speaking for the first time is beyond amazingly wonderful.
In April 2016 Franco and his family again traveled from Poland. During the last of his 7 sessions, he did a ride by himself on his favorite dolphin friend, Linco. His family continued their vacation in Mexico. Franco joined other children on stage for singing and dancing. His parents were pleased and surprised at Franco's outgoing behavior.
Sidney returns to Cozumel for Dolphin therapy 9 years after her first encounter with dolphins! - March 2016

Sidney did our dolphin therapy program in 2007, when she was 10. Her autism manifests as extreme auditory sensitivity. This auditory sensitivity was not an issue for Sidney for 3 years after her first dolphin therapy sonar program. 

Sidney returned for dolphin therapy in March 2016 and completed a second round of sonar sessions. Her mom reports that Sidney is much calmer, more willing to take on new challenges with minimal anxiety. Her language is more articulate, clearer and more purposeful.

To learn more about the effects of direct sonar therapy on the nervous system, and its relationship to the immune, endocrine system visit our dolphin therapy benefits page. 

Adam joined us in June for 10 dolphin therapy sessions. His mom reports that he is much calmer and communicates much more clearly. He is wearing "big boy pants" and going to the bathroom on his own, a very BIG positive change. 

Adam travels from Virginia to Cozumel for 10 dolphin therapy sessions. June 2016.

Marianna meets Amizcle!

Marianna lives in Cozumel and attends the special needs school. She is blind and deaf and is non-verbal. Shown below is Marianna getting to know Amizcle the only way she can --by touching him.

Nikki visits Cozumel! - June 2019

Nikki is a 50 year old woman with multiple auto-immune diseases. She joined us in June, 2019 for 5 dolphin therapy sessions.  
Marianna riding Amizcle by herself as her teacher, Ulisses watches in awe.
Stay tuned for reports from our participants! 
Kate thanking Linco
Kate receiving a double dose of sonar!
Kate and Adriana getting to know Linco
Phia riding Linco with her big brother Zander. After every sonar session she wanted a ride with her brother, protector and best friend.
Phia and her family thanking Linco with a belly rub.
Phia with her dad, Mike and Linco - just hanging out in the water together.
​Testimonial from Kate, who with her 7 year old daughter experienced our program in May of 2021:
"I had an epic experience with Macy this summer! Wow, I don’t even know where to start!!!

I have experienced many traumas as a child and adult, including the death of my mom when I was young, abusive relationships and immigrating from Russia to the US.  

After the birth of my daughter 7 years ago, I felt I was failing as a mom and career woman. I was clinically depressed for several years and that led to me having a nervous breakdown last summer.

I went to a mental hospital for two months because I knew I needed help. I felt hopeless. With a lot of help and hard work I addressed deep pain that had been with me since childhood. I was able to believe in myself and live life and be there for my daughter.  

I was in touch with Macy two years ago, called her again and set up dolphin therapy for May. That was to become the second most amazing experience in my life after giving birth to my daughter.  

It’s indescribable to express all the feelings I felt in the water with the dolphins!

I have not felt this light, joyful and blissful in my life!!! I have always had anxiety and “busy brain” and when I was with the dolphins I was so present in the moment and smiling just because the dolphins make you feel that way!!! It’s really amazing. I fell in love with a dolphin named Linco—he was so special and I want to go see him again.  

I have to add what made the trip so wonderful was Macy’s company. She is such an amazing person to talk with about life and beautiful energy to be around!"
Phia and her family also participated in our 2021 program!

When I discovered Macy’s website and got in touch about dolphin therapy for our 7 years old son Teun, who has Down Syndrome, I flew to Cozumel 14 days later to experience this wonderful therapy. Teun was so happy to be in the water with the dolphins every day, and being with him in the water was very special.

In the beginning, Teun wasn't very patient and wasn't very interested in the sonar, so the dolphins treated him to a ton of belly rides instead. He loved zipping around on their tummies! After 146 belly rides in 14 sessions, he was called “the best dolphin rider ever.” After a few days, he became much more relaxed about receiving the dolphin-sonar between the belly rides.

By the end of the first week, we noticed improvements in his walking and climbing stairs was much easier for him than before. His confidence grew each day, and he was literally growing during these weeks. His speech also showed significant improvement.

The fun, the magical moments, and the progress we saw made us decide to come back as soon as possible.

​Testimonial from Christol, about her 7 year old son Teun from the Netherlands October 2022
Teun receiving sonar
We had the incredible opportunity to experience dolphin sonar therapy with Living from the Heart in Cozumel, Mexico, in May 2024. Our two children, Teun (9 years old) and Jet (15 years old), both had transformative experiences.

For Teun, a 9-year-old boy with Down syndrome, the therapy brought noticeable improvements. After just a few sessions, we saw significant progress in his running and jumping abilities. His confidence soared, and each day.

Jet, our 15-year-old daughter, also benefited greatly from the therapy. She felt much less stressed and more confident in her actions. During one of her sonar-dolphin sessions, she even had an out-of-body experience, which was both profound and enlightening for her.

We are beyond grateful for this unique and magical experience. The improvements in both Teun and Jet were truly remarkable, and we look forward to come back next year.

​Testimonial from Hans, with his 9 year old son Teun & 15 year old daughter Jet from the Netherlands May 2024
Jet receiving sonar
​Testimonial from Rosita, with her 21 year old son from the Netherlands May 2024
What an amazing experience!

At first, Lorenzo found it a bit scary, but that quickly changed 🤣.
He became super relaxed from the dolphin sonar and after the sonar he did a belly ride, what he enjoyed very much,
He started saying words and his self-confidence improved greatly, which led him to take initiatives he never took before, and he kept smiling, eager to go to the dolphins 🐬🐬🐬.
I also got to experience it myself, and it was incredible. I had a stomachache, which disappeared like snow in the sun thanks to the dolphin sonar ❤️.
What the dolphins do to you is indescribable; you suddenly feel super light, you go into a kind of meditation, and you gain energy afterward—unbelievable.  But you still feel super calm and relaxed.

The most beautiful experience was with Lorenzo’s twin brother Roberto 🐬🐬😇☀️.
There were two dolphins, and Lorenzo received sonar from both of them, it happened only once, it was unbelievable. It was only when his twin brother was there that there was an amazing magical atmosphere.
It was unique; Lorenzo said "brother" for the first time in his life a few days before 🥳🥳🥳🥳.
Roberto and I were in tears.

It was so special 💋.The most beautiful experience of my life, together with my two sons, I am so proud 🥳🥳🥳.

In the second week, Lorenzo's dad, Ernst also went into the water with us. I was so happy to share this with my husband 🐬.
We were both emotional.
What a great experience to do this together ❤️.
Lorenzo said "dad" every day of the vacation 🥳🥳🥳.

And Christol, our star, Lorenzo’s Living from the heart team member, and Macy—they are amazing and made 
it all possible. We are enormously grateful ❤️.

It is fantastic that we got this chance to experience this, and it was unique that my husband Ernst got Christol on the phone and she told us we could go to Mexico instead of Curaçao 🥰.
Roberto’s girlfriend also took some beautiful photos.
She was in tears with me—everything was perfect 🐬.

We only missed our daughter very much, also because Lorenzo said "sister" for the first time in his life 🥳🥳. She was thrilled to hear this and hopefully will join us next year to share this experience ❤️.

We have not regretted it for a minute.

Greetings from Rosita 🌹, a very grateful mother ❤️.
Our family has had a very positive experience, thanks also to the entire team 🐬🐬🐬🐬.
Hopefully, see you next year 😘.